Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How to teach Yourself to play a musical instrument, guitar,keyboard, bass, drums, recorder, flute, sax, or clarinet

How to teach Yourself to play a musical instrument, guitar,keyboard, bass, drums, recorder, flute, sax, or clarinet

Firstly,you need to ask yourself this question,why i want to learning this instrument?if you have the answer to this question,then i will advise you to start practicing now.i want you to know one thing,if you want to be successful in what ever you doing,you need to be focus, have a concrete goals and objective.This are the things that will gear you up and lead you to your success achievement.

Much more,learning any musical instrument is like learning a new language,you need a lot of practice in other for become a professional instrumentalist.Always try to learn from other works and book,there so many local schools that offer a very reasonable price for lesson.if you are not sure of which school is good for you,you can go to any of your local shops,am sure they will introduce you someone who as music experience.Also before you start yourself involve in any musical instrument,always have it in mind that you play better than anybody.But for your to achieve this you need be very patient and practice regularly and many times as you,you also don't need to force yourself if your body system is not able to doesn't want perform.Have it at the back of your mind that,spending 1 -2 hour of practicing with a full concentration will make you to develop more skills than practicing without following a step by step approach.

When we’re first learning a skill we typically perform it slowly, but even once you’ve grasped the basics,slow practice can be very beneficial for building solid chunks and strengthening the pathways in your mind. By practicing slowly you minimize the potential for mistakes, thereby ensuring that you don’t“learn” your mistakes. The more times you perform a task correctly, the easier it will be to do so the next time, regardless of how slowly you do it. You will also find it easier to join your chunks together if you do it slowly, since your brain will have time to think, “what is it that comes next?” and come up with the correct answer. Slow practice has the added benefit of making material seem easier, and thereby giving you confidence in your performance. A lack of confidence can be one of the largest contributors to mistakes and forgetfulness.

There several ways in which you can take up your learning skills,you may decide to get some books or look a good teacher.I want you to know that your teacher will not give you the skill you need to know,they are just there to show you the elementary and fundamental of any musical instrument.You also need to contribute some of the knowledge acquired doing each of your practice,take your instrument as something that is very important,if possible sleep,eat,drink and dream about it.let your focus on it,because this is the only way you can learn very fast.

When started learning keyboard,I usually surprise my teacher after each meeting of our lesson.Because before the next lesson,i will try to let him know that i have discover a new skill.Then he usually asked,how come you get to know this?then i would reply to him why you don't want to teach me this?.So learning take time and determination for you accomplish skill,it might look like it easy when you see some professional guitarist or keyboardist performing,but it takes them years of practices, they also learn from other and read lot of books.When i decided to learn how to play guitar,then i start to think of many things like,how am going to be able to my lesson teacher or any music school for that matter.Then something just came to my mind to buy guitar first before searching any teacher.This is how i learned to guitar without any teach,what give me the confidence was because i knew how to play keyboard before.So,chords name are not strange to me and i know the progression on any key,all i was learning is how to hold my chord on the frets and some other very important tips for learning guitar.

In conclusion,i think you can also learn some instruments,like keyboard,guitar,drum,flute and so many other by just reading some goods books and practice regularly.I personally found following books and CD packages to very useful for your learning.



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