Thursday, October 16, 2008

Guitar Music - Is it Better to Learn Acoustic Guitar First?

Many guitar beginners wonder which kind of guitar they should start with - acoustic or electric. There is no absolute answer. It mostly depends on the type of music you want to learn and play.
If your goal is to be a rock star, you can forget acoustic guitar. Electric guitar is your choice. But in general, for people who do not have any preferences, I would suggest starting with an acoustic guitar. There are several reasons.
One of the differences between acoustic guitars and electric guitars is the string gauge. Strings of acoustic guitars are thicker. The strings are not quite close to the frets, comparing with electric guitars.
You may find it is difficult to push down the strings or form chords cleanly at the beginning. But it is worth. Through practicing more with an acoustic, your finger strength will be enhanced. It is also helpful for you to change to learn electric guitar later on. If you can play chords, strum strings perfectly by playing an acoustic, you will feel it is easier to play the same thing with an electric.
But if you start with an electric, it takes more time to shift to the acoustic. The reason is you may have adapted to the thinner strings and closer frets. You may need to practice more with your acoustic.
Another advantage of learning acoustic first is the diversity of music style. Electric guitars are mainly played with rock or blues music. But acoustic guitar provide you more, including country, classical, jazz and so on. You will have the chance to explore more by learning acoustic guitar. It helps you not only improve musical knowledge but also choose your favorite style to focus on.
For price, buying an acoustic is more cost-effective. It does not require any extra equipment. You only need an acoustic guitar, some picks or just your fingers. However, learning electric guitar is more expensive. Equipment, such as an amp, cables, cords and an effect pedal, are needed. It means more money and space are required.
Acoustic guitars are more convenient. They require less space. They are also portable. You can bring your acoustic to school, party, church, park or anywhere to play songs with your family and friends.
Moreover playing an electric can be very noisy since you need to turn on the amp. It may be annoying to your roommates or neighbors. But it is not a problem for acoustic guitars. You can control the volume and the quality of the sound easily.
As a beginner, you cannot ensure the level of interest in learning guitar will not decrease. If you find guitar is not the most suitable instrument for you after one or two months, handling your electric guitar and equipment will become a troublesome task. And you may feel regretful.
So I would suggest you start with an acoustic for a try. You can shift to play electric later on. There are many people doing the same thing and it is a normal practice. The most critical factor is your desire. You need to figure out what you want. Remember, both acoustic and electric guitar can help you produce great guitar music.
I have recently found a detailed review of some online guitar learning products. If you are interested in learning guitar online, please visit Guitar Lessons Guide

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